PSA Registration & Tuition

Who can attend our Summer Academy?
Any student in grades K – 9 in Georgetown County, South Carolina can attend.

What is the 2025 tuition for the Summer Academy?
• The tuition cost per child is $240 ($40 per week) for the summer and a $30 nonrefundable registration fee. The costs of the field trips are not included. The total cost being paid by May 12, 2025.
The tuition cost per child residing outside of the Georgetown County School District is $300 ($50 per week) for the summer, and a $30 non-refundable registration fee. The costs of field trips are not included. The total cost being paid by May 12, 2025.

What is included in the tuition?
One t-shirt, PSA operates from 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Thursday, Academics (Math/Reading) taught by South Carolina Certified Teachers, Three Meals/Day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack), Arts & Crafts and Guest Speakers. Field trips are OPTIONAL and not included in the tuition.

Registration & Tuition

Please follow the steps below to register a child for Plantersville Summer Academy. Any child currently attending Plantersville Elementary School needs to contact Queen Funnye or Plantersville Elementary directly to enroll.

Step 1: Registration

Click the button below to fill out the online form. The Registration form has an option to select and pay for the Tuition Fee. If you pay for the Registration Fee and the Tuition fee during this step you will not need to go on to step 2. However, if you wish to pay only the Registration fee at this time then you will be required to continue to step 2 when you are ready to pay for the Tuition Fee.

Step 2: Tuition

Please click the button below if you have already paid the Registration Fee but have not paid the Tuition Fee.
