
In many rural communities, there is a lack of sufficient, safe water. Residents live with unsafe water resources, causing disease.

village with kid on a bridge

The most prevalent diseases in rural Uganda include malaria, diarrhea and dysentery. 

Our Village2Village mission aims to bring the rural, poor community of Ntinda safer water, better health and more food. Click on these links to find out why. 

VILLAGE2VILLAGE, under the direction of The Village Group, later this year will be taking young adults to Uganda to engage with their youth and create new avenues of international exchange, cultural enrichment and world economic service.  

The personal impact will be compelling, because neither the Ugandans nor the TVG youth have interacted with young black people from another continent and culture. 

This TVG-V2V team with special expertise in healthcare and agriculture will work with Benjamin House Ministries in Uganda to improve sanitation, create clean water access and work with the community members on best agriculture management practices. 

WE NEED: Donations to help fund scholarships for students and chaperones, who may not be able to afford the $4,000/person trip cost on their own.

Who is The Village Group?

The Village Group seeks to equip youth with the tools to build a sustainable community. TVG focuses on college and career readiness, cultural education and economic development. In addition to afterschool and summer educational programs, TVG also hosts a cultural center with a mission to preserve and share local Gullah Geechee cultural heritage. The goal is for the community’s children to understand the past as a story of triumph and to find a sense of pride and rootedness in their ancestor’s stories. 

Who is The Benjamin House? 

Based in Ntinda, Kampala, Uganda, Benjamin House Ministries offers empowerment programs, mentoring, child sponsorship and transitional homes for children who are without parents, living on the streets of Kampala and sleeping on the sidewalks at night. Benjamin House exists to inspire hope by transforming the lives of at-risk and vulnerable children, preparing them for their futures and building the next generation of leaders.

Safer water

What If This Is the Only Way to Get Water?

people with water canisters
child carrying a canister on her head

The people of Ntinda, Uganda, are forced to gather their water and carry it home every day. One phase of this mission trip is to provide families with water purification filters while exploring possible long-term solutions for safe water.  

WE NEED: Monetary donations to fund students and chaperones, who cannot afford the $4,000/person trip cost on their own, and buy 200 small-scale filters that can be used by each house or family to provide interim water purification. 

Better Health

The children of Ntinda have no ongoing medical care.  Several members of the mission trip have medical backgrounds and will be holding health fairs to screen for disease, while teaching hygiene and First Aid that can help avoid infection.

boy being treated for injuries

WE NEED: Funding for students or chaperones, who may not be able to afford the $4,000/per person trip cost on their own, and basic medical supplies, including strep testing, blood sugar glucometers and blood pressure monitors.

More Food

Benjamin House Transitional Boys Home has 4.8 acres for growing vegetables. However, weather and lack of water limit what they can do.

kids with green bananas
child carving wood

We hope to discuss better farming practices to increase the quantity and quality of their harvest.  

WE NEED: Monetary contributions for students and chaperones, who may not be able to afford the $4,000/person trip cost on their own, and to buy hand-farming equipment and soil improvement products.