Tour de Plantersville Waiver


Please accept my entry in the Tour de Plantersville on Saturday, October 26, 2024. In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, and intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, my executors, and my administrators, I do hereby forever waive, release, and fully discharge any and all claims of any kind whatsoever arising from or as a result of death, personal injury, or property damage, which I may have, or which hereafter may accrue to me, as a result of my presence at or participation in the Event. I understand cycling events and that participants in such events occasionally sustain mortal or serious injuries and/or property damage, consequently thereof. Knowing and understanding these risks, nevertheless, I hereby agree to assume those risks and all other risks of any kind whatsoever associated with participating in the Event and I do hereby release and hold harmless all the persons and entities who might otherwise be liable to me (or to my heirs or assigns) for damages. I undertake that risk of my own free will and understand that I alone am responsible for my safety during the Tour De Plantersville along the premises where the program takes place. By signing this waiver, I am indicating that I understand these facts and that I am participating in this activity at my own risk. I further represent that I have undertaken to prepare myself for this program, and I have not received any medical or other professional advice to abstain because of my health or physical condition. I know of no reason why I should not participate in this program.

This waiver and release is intended to discharge in all ways and for all times The Village Group, its directors, officers, agents, and its members, all sponsors and promoting clubs, all officials, and all involved municipalities or public entities (and their respective agents and employees) from and against any and all liabilities of any kind whatsoever arising in, from, during or as a result of the Event, even though such liability or alleged liability may arise out of or allegedly result directly or indirectly from intentional acts of negligence or carelessness on the part of some or all of the persons or entities that are mentioned above. It is further agreed and understood by me that this waiver, release, and assumption of risk is to be binding on all my heirs, executors, and assigns. I do agree and understand that any sponsor may subsequently use for publicity and/or promotional purposes my name and/or pictures of me participating in this Event without obligation or liability to me and without the necessity of obtaining any additional permissions and willingly acknowledge that serious accidents occasionally happen during cycling events. I also agree to follow all “Rules of the Road” & and all traffic laws of the state of South Carolina. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ENTRY FEE IS NONREFUNDABLE. I HAVE READ THE ENTRY INFORMATION PROVIDED AND CERTIFY MY UNDERSTANDING AND COMPLIANCE WITH MY SIGNATURE

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