Dirt to Dinner

My heart is flooded with joy at the opportunity to share The Village Group’s latest accomplishments with you – our Village of supporters. I am even more elated to release the details of this significant project during Black History Month. The Plantersville Cultural Center is expanding into the Plantersville Cultural Complex. We recently purchased 10 acres of land to build a farm, kitchen, nature trails, and biking paths while also highlighting and preserving the cultural history of the area.

The symbolic importance of the project being released this month is that the land we purchased was once harvested by many of our ancestors when they were trafficked to the area to work the rice fields as slaves. Now, our organization is building a Village of educated and capable future leaders that will sustain this land to employ and feed its people long after I am gone. The Plantersville Cultural Complex will bring in tourism by showcasing the Gullah Geechee culture to the world and highlighting the results of a region working together to promote diversity and inclusion by recognizing the culture and history of its underserved population.
The Plantersville Cultural Complex is a testament to a united Village ready to share its history, culture, and harvest by inviting everyone to the table to feast. We call this campaign Dirt to Dinner because we plan to teach students the jobs needed to sustain a community from tilling the dirt to setting the table. Please join us at the table and support our mission to equip youth with the tools to build a sustainable community by focusing on college and career readiness, cultural education, and economic development.
Click here or scan the QR code on the image below to contribute to Dirt to Dinner.

Ray Funnye
Executive Director